NRF24L+ STM8 Compatible Library
src Directory Reference


file  delay.c
 This file is used to add a delay to the program.
file  delay.h [code]
 Header for delay.
file  main.c
 This file contains the main function for: retarget the C library printf scanf functions to the UART1 example.
file  mirf.c
 This file contains the NRF24 library ported to the STM8 using SDCC.
file  mirf.h [code]
 This file contains the NRF24 library headers.
file  stm8s_conf.h [code]
 This file is used to configure the Library.
file  stm8s_it.c
 Main Interrupt Service Routines.
file  stm8s_it.h [code]
 This file contains the headers of the interrupt handlers.